Monday, February 20, 2012

Uh Oh

I didn't buy any pre-packaged lunches for this week. I'm planning to pack healthy salads all week. The problem is Parent-Teacher Conferences are this week Tues and
Thurs. from 4-7pm. I'll need to plan ahead so I'm not late for work. Going without those frozen meals is a little scary, I've been eating those for so long and they make mornings easy, just grab and go.

February Update

Had a very nice visit with my daughter, Coral, and her 2 children this last week. We both want to lose weight, get in shape, and are trying to do the Total Mom Makeover. The author puts a lot of information and ideas in a short amount of time, which I find overwhelming. I need time to process what she advises and to figure out how I can best utilize that info in my life.

Started a food journal. The Eat-Clean Diet Companion by Tosca Reno. Got it off of Amazon for $5. My middle is shrinking. Here are my stats from February 13, when I started recording my meals. Weight=208. Chest=46 Waist=42 Thigh=24 Calf=15.5 Hips=43 Arm=13 around bicep.

Now is where things get exciting. I lost 3 pounds!! Today my weight=205 Neck=16.25 Arm=14.25 around bat wing, Chest=46 Waist=41.5 Gut=44 Hip=42 Thigh=24 Calf=15.5 Ankle=9. total inches=252.5

Saturday, February 4, 2012

February 2012

Health issues have been on my mind. I've been trying to do research by reading books, magazines, or anything I can find on health, wellness, physical fitness. I don't want age related or weight related illnesses. Zumba started again at my school and I go Wednesday and Friday. Patty has added toning to the class and it is quite a workout. I've lost 3 pounds this week by eating cleaner and exercise. Here are new stats: Total inches 252.5

Neck: 16.5 Arm 14
Bust 46 Waist 41.5
Gut 44 Hip 42.5
Thigh 23.5 Calf 15.5
Ankle 9 Weight 207