Sunday, December 25, 2011

Educating Myself

I've been doing a lot of reading. Tosca Reno's Eating Clean books make a lot of sense to me. The magazine For Women First has a lot of tips and reports on current medical breakthroughs, Suzanne Somers reports on bioidentical hormones and toxins in Forever Sexy (after 40). Beauty Detox also reports on food toxins. I am thinking about taking nutrition courses to further educate myself. One theme I am picking up on is SLEEP. I don't get enough or good quality sleep. On a side note, I didn't renew my tanning package at Thanksgiving, worried about weather and having to make a trip in town during winter weather. So I've tried tanning lotions. I finally have skin a nice tan color and the varicose veins don't show as much.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

5th start stats

This is rather pathetic. 5 attempts to lose weight. But I'm going to keep trying. Consistency is the key. Here are my stats:
Neck: 16.75
Arm: 13.
Bust: 44.50
Waist: 40.25
Gut: 43.75
Hip: 43.25
Thigh: 23.50
Calf: 15.50
Ankle: 9.25
Weight is 205 pounds. Total inches are 249.75.

Friday, November 25, 2011

What happened?

Even though I walked with my dad most mornings, I gained weight over the summer. I started school weighing in at 217. The first few weeks of school were stressful as I adjusted to a classroom of 27 students, Bri going off to college, and driving my son to events he was involved in. I lost weight back down to 210. Been hanging around that weight since October. Now my schedule has been freed up, and I am ready to try again, for the 5th time to start taking better care of myself. I love my family and want my children to do and experience things and since I have such a large class, I find myself bringing a lot of school work home to do. I feel these are legitimate excuses for not exercising but poor food choices have no excuse. So here I go again.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Slow Summer Start

Have been walking with my dad most mornings at 8am. I had made a workout schedule for myself that I have been unable to keep up with. Already this summer I am getting busy. The first week of summer was getting ready for Bri's graduation party. The second week I started walking and did some yard work. Now it is the third week and I have planned good will shopping trip for tomorrow. I really just want to stay home, clean and organize my house, and focus on losing weight.

I am feeling better. Walking seems to be toning up my middle. Still need to get my portions under control.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

4th Start

Well, May was busy with end of year paperwork, etc. Exercise went out the window except for Zumba on Fridays. I like food, maybe not the best kinds of food. Exercise is hard when there is so many demands on my time. Now, school is out and I'm ready to try again. I'm already a little discouraged. I devised a workout plan for weekdays that includes a daily walk, daily stomach exercises, and M-W-F extra aerobics and T-R toning. It's tuesday and I've only done the morning walk. My day gets busy with demands and then I'm too tired to do the extra workout. Eating this week has been good, with fruit before my walk and good meals throughout the day, lots of water. Will post stats tomorrow.

Monday, May 9, 2011


backsliding a little. Went to Sam's club and bought cheddar cheese sauce and Tostitos. Have had this for the past 3 days and even though it tastes amazing, I feel yucky. And I've gained 5 pounds. Probably (I hope) just water weight from the sodium in the sauce and chips. I have been exercising for the past 2 weeks, either bicycle, step aerobics, walking, or mowing grass for hours. Tomorrow I go back to eating better and taking care of myself.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wednesday update

I've exercised everyday this week, so far! Monday i walked 2 miles, tuesday rode the bike 20 minutes, and today sort of did KS step workout. I had many interruptions today, but I did work up a good sweat so I'm going to count what I did as a workout. It's certainly more than the past several weeks. Don't feel exceptionally energized and my eating and portions still aren't the best, but I'm working on it.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Third start stats

Well, Easter break is almost over and I feel rejuvenated. Today I am starting (again) to exercise every day and better watch what I eat. The good news is that, according to my scales, I weigh 203. I've only gained 3 pounds in the 7 weeks I have not been consistently exercising and bad eating. The weather is warmer, even though it is still raining. Everything looks up.
Weight: 203
Neck: 16
Arm: 13.75
Bust: 45
Gut: 44.5
Hip: 42.25
Calf: 15.5
That's funny. My inches are the same: 249-249=0 but the distribution of those inches are different. Neck=same, Arm=same, Bust=down .25, Waist=same, Gut=same, Hip=up.25, Thigh=same, Calf=up.25, Ankle=down.25 Not major differences, so I am pretty much starting even with where I left off, which is a blessing considering the fast food, doritos, and overall pigging out. So, LET'S GO!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Just a Note

I feel good. Cleaned my house today and that feels Great! Ainsley has had a fever since Wednesday night. Today she was better but the fever came back around 6pm. Worried about her and not getting sleep because I set my alarm so I can check on her. Still eating big portions. Going to try to exercise but not worried about it. My third start will be Monday, after Easter. I even scheduled my massage for Monday at 1pm. I will get healthier!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Feeling better

Easter break starts now. I have 5 days to rest and clean my house. I feel like a weight is lifted off me, I can feel the energy flowing again. I feel like I want to tackle big projects. Going to Scouts tonight and then grocery shopping. no Doritos! Just healthy food choices.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

So much for not binging

Doritos should be outlawed. Why is it that you can't eat just a few? I;ve been good about not eating junk for so long and once I decided to quit the biggest loser, my eating is terrible. Today was Stephanie's b-day party so cake, icecream, sloppy joes, and Doritos. doritos last night. Doritos tonight. Feel like I'm being sucked into a downward spiral and am powerless to do anything. So tired. I want time to be home, to clean my home, and do nothing in my home. No more have to do this, have to do that. Somehow I must find my strength of will power, and start exercising and taking care of myself again. I know I felt great when I was exercising and I was looking good in my clothes. I can do this, Bye, Bye Doritos!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Just Stalled Out

I do want to lose weight and be healthy. I felt so good when I was exercising most every day. Life just got busy and my family is dealing with a lot right now. One more busy week, with Prom next Saturday. Then 3 days of school and Easter Break. I should concentrate on not binging and maintaining so I'll be ready for my 3rd Start during break.

Friday, April 8, 2011

I just lost a month

I just re-read my blog and realize that this downward spiral started the beginning of March, one month ago. This whole past month has been draining and I feel overwhelmed, like I have no strength left inside me to do anything but go through the motions. I want to lose weight and be healthy. I like the way I was starting to look in clothes. Since quiting the Biggest Loser, I have indulged in Frosty's, french fries, and icecream. I feel like I just need some rest and an open schedule and I can rejuvenate and get my will power back. I won't give up, but I don't have the strength to push on right now.

I Quit

I quit the Biggest Loser at school last week. It had been 4 weeks since I had lost any weight and it would be impossible to lose the amount of weight I need to have a share in the money. so I quit. March has been horrible, I feel constantly rushed and no sleep. The only good thing was the week Coral spent here. I am teaching after school intervention on Tues and Thurs. Fri is Zumba, but I haven't gone for 2 weeks because of my schedule with the kids. I feel like I am on the verge of a meltdown myself because I have been going and going and going. My house is a mess, the only things I keep up with are dishes and laundry. But I really can't stand the clutter (Ainsley's toys, clothes left lying around, and papers). Tomorrow is prom gown shopping so I still won't be home to clean, rest, and relax. One more week of intervention and then Easter break the following week. I can make it one more week.

Friday, March 25, 2011

same, same

Weighed in today at 205 again. I have had 3 bad weeks. First was lethargy b4 my period, second was the time change and starting intervention (while on period), and this week was interruptions but I was trying to exercise. Also starting to overeat on giant portions because I get so hungry. Enjoying Zumba and dvd workouts, just have to step everything up if I want a share in the Biggest Loser money.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Downward spiral

The past 2 weeks have been terrible for my weight loss efforts. First was building up to my cycle and feeling lethargic, then Columbus and my cycle, but when all that was over life just got busy and I am out of the exercise habit AND I MISS IT. The total exercise in the past two weeks were 2 Zumba sessions and 3/4 of a step workout. I am going to try harder to get my exercise this coming week. On the up side, we went shopping this weekend and I am a 16 bottom and between a XL and a 1X on the top, so yeah!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Weigh in

205, gained 1/2 pound. It's been another busy, tiring week. 3rd grade intervention is going well, but with Zumba, it makes 3 school nights that I don't get home till much later. Another excuse is the time change, I have been staying up too late, although some nights were not of my own choosing. I'm not giving up, came home today and started KS step workout, but was interrupted and then I couldn't get back into it. tomorrow I am getting my hair cut and colored, part of my self- makeover. I can do this.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Friday's weight and update

Weighed in at 204.5. the same. I have not exercised since Tuesday, except for Zumba on Friday, and it wasn't much of a challenge. So it's been almost a week since I had a good, sweaty workout. I just got busy, tired and lethargic. Waiting for my period to start. Diet has been pretty good, even when we went to Columbus this weekend. So Monday will be a new start, before I go buy groceries.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Weekend Update

I did not exercise Friday or Saturday. Friday was decorate Fellow's Insurance, get pizza, then go with Brianna and Nick to see I am Number Four. Then groceries at Walmart and finally Take Nick to Rayland. It was just to late Friday. Saturday I had intentions to exercise in the morning but was sidetracked and too tired. I ended up cleaning the living room, dishes, and laundry before the 4-H meeting and 4-H swimming. Afterwards John and I took Jarrett to St. Clairsville to meet a group to go see the movie Beastly.

I did step aerobics tonight but feel bloated. I definitely prefer Kathy Smith over Denise Austin as an exercise instructor. The cueing and the movements by Kathy are easier and appeal to me more than Denise. I have bought several new Kathy Smith dvd's because exercise is now going to part of my life. I feel great

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Weigh in and Stats

I weighed in at 204.5. Yippee! We are starting Zumba classes at school on Fridays. The instructor will come to us and it's only $4. I asked Dad to come get the kids so I can stay and exercise. He said Yes before I really explained why I needed him to do this. (Wow!) Here are my new stats:
Neck: 16 Hip: 42
Arm: 13.75 Thigh: 23.25
Bust:45.25 Calf: 15.25
Waist: 40 Ankle: 9
Gut: 43
Previous inches gained was 249.5 - 247.5 = 2 inches lost.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

My scales still the same

The crazsiness scales are holding steady around 200/201. I hope that by Friday's weigh in, I can lose a little more. Have been exercising every day, either riding my bike or step aerobics. Tonight I'm going to try a library dvd by Cathe Friedrich.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Weight loss weirdness

Yesterday afternoon I did step aerobics for 25 minutes, then chaperoned a youth dance at Church. I was asked to teach line dancing, had a great time and danced when I could. Great exercise! This morning I weighed 198 on my home scales. Craziness! I felt really thin and its the first time I have been below 200 pounds since Ainsley was born.

Saturday, February 26, 2011


Not excited about these measurements. Here goes:
Neck: 16 Hip: 42
Arm: 14 Thigh: 23
Bust: 46 Calf: 15.25
Waist:40.5 Ankle: 8.75
Gut: 43.5
I gained 2.25 total inches. I am 249.5 - 247.25 = 2.25 gained. Trying to look at the positive, I lost inches on my neck, hip, and ankle. I stayed the same on my waist, thigh, and calf. I gained in my arm, bust, and gut.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Last week's weight

As I was checking my posts, I realized that I did not record last weeks weight of 206.5. I was excited to have lost 2 more pounds but knew I wouldn't be able to do measurements because we were leaving for Columbus. So, yeah, back up to 208. I'll do measurements tomorrow anyway, just to keep an eye on things.


Official weigh in at school: 208. I knew it was going to be bad. Two Wendy's meals, birthday cake, deserts at school, and not enough exercise. Well, I'm not giving up, just going to get a good nights sleep and start over fresh tomorrow. The weight didn't come on overnight and I can't expect it to disappear overnight either. Just hoping for slow, steady weight loss results.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Crappy week

This week has been horrible for my diet efforts. Starting with Columbus and eating at Wendy's, not getting exercise. Did OK on Mon/Tues (no school). But Wednesday and today I've eaten desserts provided at Parent Teacher conferences, I did ride my bike 40 minutes last night but tonight I am just too tired. To sum up, 4 days of bad eating and 3 days of exercise. I am dreading tomorrow's weigh in.

Monday, February 21, 2011


Ok, so I'm still huge but I feel great. I had Ainsley take some pictures of me in the same shirt as the September pic. I want to document these changes. I am going to lose all this weight. I've decided my goal weight is 140. In these pics I had just finished riding my exercise bike for 30 minutes and took a shower.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Crash and burn

Went to C-bus to see Coral and ate at Wendy's twice. French fries, frosty, and double stacks. Then tonight was my Mom's birthday party and I figured what the hay, diet's already blown, so I ate cake too. Have not exercised Saturday or today. This is a minor set back and I will do better tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Step Aerobics: I figured it out

The Kathy smith video I want is called Step Workout. I had been doing the Great Buns and Thighs workout. I just bought the dvd of the step workout on Ebay and hope it will arrive soon. This workout is more aerobic and longer than Buns/Thighs but also has a toning segment. Ate salad and mesquite chicken for lunch, and my scales are saying I weigh about 203. So can't wait for Friday's weigh in. tomorrow Mom, Vicky, and I are going for pedi's and then to Ulta for a beauty haul. Looking forward to girl time but wonder when I can fit exercise in tomorrow.

Monday, February 14, 2011

This is my husband and me last September (2010) for Coral and Greg's birthday party. Check out that thick middle! Somehow when I look in the bathroom mirror, I don't think I look this huge, but whenever I see pictures of myself, I am!

Step Aerobics

Ate chicken stuffed with broccoli and tater tots. Could've eaten more tots but left some for Brianna. I thought I would feel hungry but I was ok. Had to wait a couple of hours then I did my Kathy Smith Step Workout. Did the whole thing. Amazed myself. But it wasn't what I remember. The third segment was a floor workout and the second segment was mostly a bunch of squats. I remember (years ago) a Kathy Smith step workout where the first two segments the step was turned parallel and the third segment the step was vertical, and it was more aerobic than a bunch of squats. So what video is that?

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Cheer myself up

Since this week was disappointing after all that exercise, I decided to look at my Second Start Stats and compare to now. I have lost 4 inches off my waist! That is an accomplishment. I've lost 2 inches off my bust, which I hope means my BACK is losing fat, not my boobs. I've lost 2 inches off my gut. I am making progress, the rest of my measurements are all less, just not significant amounts, like just .25 inches. I will keep trying and I will do better on my diet.

Friday weigh in and stats

I weighed the same, 208. I see a pattern developing. If so, I should lose 2 pounds this coming week for next Friday's weigh in. I have been exercising, some days doing double sessions because of 2 hour delays. Friday I had some chocolate and M&M's, but not much, the chocolate didn't taste good to me. Saturday I ate 3 yeasty rolls and munched on Tostitos while waiting for the Taco meat. Otherwise I have been good with my diet. I am starting to drink distilled water. I researched the process and distilled water is the most pure water without all the dead bacteria and pollutants. So we'll see how that goes. Here are my weekly stats.
Neck: 16.25 Hip: 42.75
Arm: 13 Thigh: 23.5
Bust: 44 Calf: 15.25
Waist: 40.5 Ankle: 9
Gut: 43
Inches lost is disgusting 248 - 247.25 = .75 I will keep trying because I feel better and I know losing fat takes time. Here's to a fitter, healthier me, in time!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Keep on keeping on

Did not exercise over the weekend due to schedule, visiting with family and friends, and the Superbowl. Rode my bike 30 minutes on Monday and I worked out twice today. 20 minutes on the bike (2 hour delay) and 20 minutes of step aerobics after school plus stretching. My eating is not too bad, had 1 cookie at Mom's Superbowl party and a big plate of spaghetti that hurt my tummy and couldn't finish. I just have to keep trying.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Small success

At the Biggest Loser weigh in Friday at school I weighed 208. That's 2.5 pounds down! Hopefully now I will continue to drop weight. Started eating salad with mesquite chicken from Sam's club for lunch. Here are my latest measurements:
Neck: 16.25 Hip:43.25
Arm: 13.5 Thigh:23.25
Bust: 44.25 Calf:15.5
Waist:39.75 Ankle:9
Gut: 43.25
Overall inches lost from last measurements: 249.75 - 248 = 1.75 inches. Not major inches lost, but I'll take it so long as I don't start gaining. woohoo

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Trying, but really, why bother

Monday I rode my bike for 35 minutes, did some push ups, squats, sit ups, and stretches. Today was a 2 hour delay and I rode my bike for 20 minutes this morning and plan to ride again tonight. What I am upset about is that right after lunch today I weighed myself at school at 212 pounds. Then when I got home I measured my waist and it was back up to 43 inches. What is going on? Up, down, up, down My scales in the morning was 204 and after school I weighed 215 same day, same scales. Right now I feel bloated, fat, and discouraged. Why keep trying when I am not seeing results?

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Off the Wagon

Swam for 3 hours with Ainsley, played hockey, ran around the 4-H overnighter. Have not exercised at all this weekend. too tired and schedule is off. Mostly I am upset with my eating. I ate a total of 4 yeasty dinner rolls on Saturday, then after I drove Nick home (with Brianna) we stayed up to watch the Sorcerer's Apprentice which I had also rented from Redbox and I ate Tostitoes scoops with Ainsley till 1:30 in the morning. Today I slept from 2 until 5:30 and cooked Tacos. I am not giving up on losing weight but am really disgusted with myself and my will power. Back on the wagon tomorrow with a cleaner diet and exercise.

Friday, January 28, 2011

What else?

First official weigh in at school and I weighed the SAME. 210.5 pounds. It's been two weeks of vegetables and exercise and no weight came off. I feel great, my tummy seems smaller and I feel muscles in my legs. I know that muscle weighs more than fat but for the contest at school it is the scales that determine the winner. So now I'm going to focus on my eating while keeping on with the exercise. Measurements tomorrow as tonight we are going to the 4-H Overnighter and go swimming, basketball, whatever all night long.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Black and Gray Outfit of the Day

Friday weight and measurements

Weighed in on my scales at 204. No school today due to snow storm. Jarrett told me something very interesting about losing weight. He said the first 4 minutes of exercise you burn cholesterol, up to 20 minutes you burn sugar in the blood, and after 20 minutes you burn the fat. I knew about the 20min/fat info. 20 years ago when I worked as the 4-H program assistant, we took the Food and Nutrition Board to Physicians Weight Loss and they said only people with high cholesterol were to exercise on their program, because exercise helps lower cholesterol. So all the information fits together like pieces of a puzzle. My new goal is to ride my exercise bike for 30 minutes each time. New measurements are:
Neck: 16.25 Gut: 43.5 Calf:15.5
Arm: 13.75 Hip: 43.25
Bust: 45.5 Thigh: 23.25
Waist: 40 Ankle: 8.75
Overall inches lost this week is disappointing: 250 - 249.75 = .25 lost. BOO!!! I have done 2 weight lifting sessions and I know that I tend to put on muscle easily. who knows? I am not giving up. On the bright side, since my last official weight on my scales 12/28/10, I have lost 5 pounds and 4 inches off my waist. so Yeah Me!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Up or down?

I've been faithfully riding my exercise bike for either 20 or 30 minutes a day. Yesterday I felt really bloated and gassy. According to my scales I had gained 4 pounds. Today I weighed myself at school and was 209.5, even just after eating my lunch. Hopefully by Friday I will lose another pound.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Biggest Loser

I talked John into letting me join the Biggest Loser at school. Paid my $10 and weighed in. My starting weight is 210.5. I'm going to use each Friday's weigh in to log my weight loss. Here are my new measurements.
Neck: 16.5 Gut: 43.75 Calf: 15.5
Arm: 13.25 Hip: 43
Bust: 45.5 Thigh: 23.25
Waist: 40.25 Ankle: 9 and 2/16
My measurements are slightly smaller. I wonder how people calculate total inches lost. I'm going to add up my total measurements and subtract for an overall total. 256 - 250 = 6 inches overall lost!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Biggest Loser?

The teachers at my school are starting the Biggest Loser this Friday. It's $10 to join, a dollar each Friday to weigh in, and if you gain, you pay a dollar per pound. Ends April 29, with the money to be split between those who lose 10% of their total weight. I want to participate but my husband doesn't. He won't let me join Weight Watchers either. Biggest Loser at school would be much cheaper, with the possiblity of getting some cash back. I want to do it so that I will be accountable each Friday at the weigh in. I really want to do this.

I've been exercising and sort of watching what I eat and have managed to lose maybe 10 pounds, from 215 to 205, but I go up and down within that range. Progress is slow and I want to see some results! rode my bike today for 30 minutes while watching E! News.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Weekend update

Exercised Saturday but not Sunday, or today. We are expecting a huge snowstorm in our area (up to 6 inches) and Jarrett and I went to town to pay bills and get some groceries in preparation. Diet hasn't been bad, did eat some of Ainsley's pringles, but not a lot. Jarrett put Doritoes in the grocery cart and I had him put them back because my self discipline is NOT developed completely yet. steps toward better health, baby steps.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The rest of the story

I rode my exercise bike w-r-f. Proud of myself. 2 days it was as I was changing after work, and 1 day I was too hungry and ate first, exercised later. Still having a hard time with my food choices. I need more self discipline. The main thing is...I am not giving up this time. I will keep trying until I lose this weight and become healthier. I will succeed, in time.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I let life get in the way

Haven't rode my exercise bike for 5 days now. Back to school yesterday and we needed groceries so no time yesterday. Today I visited with another teacher after school for a while and was very late getting home. By the time Jarrett and I got dinner cooked, we put in the movie A-team (very good movie) then I did dishes and laundry. At 9:45 I got on Youtube to watch any tutorials I am subscribed to.

I must figure out and commit to an exercise program. I'm letting life get in the way again. So looking at my situation, some choices are to get to bed earlier so I can wake up earlier to exercise (if Ainsley will get to bed and everyone cooperates to let me sleep) or exercise as soon as I get home and change clothes, before I cook dinner (like this option the best) or possibly exercise right before bed?(might energize me too much to go to sleep?)

Journaling really lets me think and evaluate my situation. I think I will try option 2...exercise as soon as I get home before I do anything else. I'll check back in a couple days to reevaluate my progress.
Got several compliments today on my outfit, so might have to do an outfit of the day video. Wore my Kohl's leopard bl/gr top, black swing pants, and new gray Wal-Mart jeweled shoes.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Bad diet news

Went to C-Bus to help Coral and Greg rearrange their living space, ate at Wendy's on the way to and from. In all, I had 3 double stacks, 1 chocolate frosty, 1 med. fry, and 1 large fry. Have not exercised for the past 2 days, feel kind of yucky. Not going to give up on my weight loss venture, so tomorrow I will be starting again with good food choices.