Tuesday, May 31, 2011

4th Start

Well, May was busy with end of year paperwork, etc. Exercise went out the window except for Zumba on Fridays. I like food, maybe not the best kinds of food. Exercise is hard when there is so many demands on my time. Now, school is out and I'm ready to try again. I'm already a little discouraged. I devised a workout plan for weekdays that includes a daily walk, daily stomach exercises, and M-W-F extra aerobics and T-R toning. It's tuesday and I've only done the morning walk. My day gets busy with demands and then I'm too tired to do the extra workout. Eating this week has been good, with fruit before my walk and good meals throughout the day, lots of water. Will post stats tomorrow.

Monday, May 9, 2011


backsliding a little. Went to Sam's club and bought cheddar cheese sauce and Tostitos. Have had this for the past 3 days and even though it tastes amazing, I feel yucky. And I've gained 5 pounds. Probably (I hope) just water weight from the sodium in the sauce and chips. I have been exercising for the past 2 weeks, either bicycle, step aerobics, walking, or mowing grass for hours. Tomorrow I go back to eating better and taking care of myself.