Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year's Resolutions 2012

They say if you make your resolutions public you will be more likely to stick with them. So I thought to share mine here, even though I don't think anyone will ever see them.

*Get more sleep. I do not get enough sleep, or good quality sleep. I have trouble falling asleep and tend to stay up reading, youtubing, or movies until my eyes are closing. So for 2012 I will try to get ready for bed at 10pm and in bed by 10:30pm.

*Drink more water. I try to do this already, I've read if you pee clear that is good, strong yellow urine is a sign of dehydration, etc. Some days I drink a lot of water, others I get to busy or the water is not convenient.

*Regular exercise. This is one of the hardest resolutions. I know from the past year's experience that I feel better and tone up nicely when I exercise. It is the time to do it and the energy to do it that stops me.

*Nutrition. I have no will power to not put bad, non-nutritious food in my mouth when I am hungry. I resolve to prepare and plan ahead so that I do not reach that starvation stuff my face feeling. I resolve to try to only eat healthy, nutritious food that will benefit my body.

I wish everyone a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year!