Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Second start stats

OK, finally got around to taking my measurements. I am so full of determination to lose weight, I can't explain the positive feelings that I have going on right now, and I really haven't lost much weight, just feel skinnier. So here are my latest stats:
Weight: 209
neck: 16.5
L. arm: 13.5
Bust: 46.5
Waist: 44
Gut: 44.5
Hip: 43
L. thigh: 23
L. calf: 15.75
L. ankle: 9.25

My perfect imperfections

So excited! I just uploaded my first Youtube video on a thrift outfit and what I like/don't like about myself. I would be too embarrassed to put a full body shot, but you can see in my face that I am obese(blah!) I hope to use these types of videos to record my weight loss. So in this video I weigh 209, gained some over Christmas break.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

update on my beginning

I've been pedaling on my exercise bike for the past three weeks. Started the first week with 10 minutes. I'm now up to 20 minutes and can work up a decent sweat. My stomach sometimes seems smaller, in fact my daughter Bri said when she hugged me she felt boobies instead of belly, so maybe I am losing.

Haven't weighed myself or done "official" measurements. My oldest daughter was visiting and we compared hip measurements: I'm only 2 inches bigger than her, it's just my belly! Definitely an apple shape.

I've been inspired lately by some amazing women on Youtube who share beauty, hair, and style, especially thrift store style hauls. I really like MsPinkFabulous and thehipchickonline. Watching their videos make me want to do better in my life.

Two goals I have now are to add some toning to my exercise and to play more with my and Ainsley's hairstyles. Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 6, 2010

If at first you don't succeed, try, try, AGAIN.

Almost a year has gone by. I'm probably still the same physically and mentally as last February. I lack commitment to myself. So here we go again, I'm trying to lose weight on my own, not join Weight Watchers or any other weight loss program. I'll get some pics, might even wear the same clothes and my current stats. Pray for me to succeed this time.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Saturday weigh in

Saturday 2/20/10 weigh in: 207 lb. How on earth did I manage to lose 8 lb? Maybe water weight from having my cycle? I rode the exercise bike twice and tried to eat smaller portions. Busy week. Track practice started and that means more driving and less time at home. Next week will be the first of March and time for measurements. I am not doing very good on this weight loss venture.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Before Stats

I honestly do not think anyone will ever look at this blog so I am going to be completely honest with my weight and measurements. This is my on-line diary and if it will help someone else in their weight loss journey on down the road, great. But this is for me, right now...a place to be accountable.
Weight: 215
Neck: 16"
L.Arm: 14"
Bust: 47.5
Waist: 43.25
Gut: 44.25
Hip: 42.5
L.Thigh: 23.5
L.Calf: 16
l.Ankle: 9.25
(Gut measurement is one inch below my belly button. I felt this was important to include because it clearly shows my apple shape.)

Friday, February 5, 2010


I rode my exercise bike 3x this week for 10-15 minutes at a time. It'[s a start. I am also trying to control my eating..it's hard when I'[m hungry and want something right now! Tomorrow I hope to get a before pic, weight, and measurements posted. I plan to weigh in weekly on Saturdays and monthly measurements.

Wed/Thurs were stressful and I have college papers due tomorrow. Felt guilty and couldn't sleep today because I spent the evening with my Mom getting a pedicure and a few groceries before the snow storm...I didn't take care of my children, house, or husband. So I got up at 5am and starting doing dishes and so I could spend a little time with my kids before they went to school.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Beginning

Family Reunion in Myrtle Beach in June. Just 4 short months away. I need to lose weight, get healthier.

Where I am Now: Now I am overweight, borderline diabetic with all the symptoms of Syndrome X: high blood pressure, high cholesterol, overweight apple shape, some insulin resistance. My high blood pressure is borderline, I am not on any meds at this time.

My life is busy, full of stress and deadlines, my doctor was very unsympathetic about that. I am in need of me time to do what I want to do, not what I have to do. I truly believe that mental stress causes physical illness.

Where I want to be: I would like to be 30 pounds less by the reunion. Based on 4 months, or 16 weeks at 2 pounds a week, I will barely make that goal. I hope that the blood pressure, cholesterol, and diabetes issues will resolve themselves through the healthier lifestyle I will try to lose the weight.

Why I want to do this: My life is speeding by, I am now 41 and have spent the last 20 years bearing and raising children. My youngest is 4 years old and I somewhat still yearn for another baby. Losing weight would make that goal possible as my current state of health is not conducive for a pregnancy. The reunion just gives me a deadline and push to get my self started on a healthier lifestyle.

Why haven't I been successful in the past at losing weight? I've lost, gained, but never truly lost all the baby weight. Identifying the factors that keep me from losing will help me to be more aware and prevent those factors from sabotaging my weight loss.
First would be my will power. When I'm tired or hungry I have no will power to make those good choices. I just grab whatever is convenient and palatable to shove in my mouth.
Second, I also eat for pleasure or pain. This was hard to identify but as I tried to pay attention to why I was eating I noticed if I had a bad day I would turn to food. Food is also part of family celebrations.
Third, I do not get enough sleep. I feel like I have been sleep deprived for 20 years. First with the babies, then with staying up too late just to have some time for myself or to keep getting thing done because I was gone for the evening.
Fourth, I do not like to cook. I have a few recipes that the family seems to like and we eat the same meals over and over. I'm bored but do not know what even sounds appetizing that I would like to prepare. Often I am too tired to clean up after cooking the meal and the mess waits for me till I clean it up.
Fifth I would rather lift weights than do aerobics. I would rather walk outside than ride my exercise bike or dvd's.
Sixth may be that healthy food choices are not available in my house and I need to restructure my grocery list.
the final factor is time. I have lived a life of sacrifice for my family, putting everybody else's needs before my own. I have no time for myself.

This is where I begin.