Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wednesday update

I've exercised everyday this week, so far! Monday i walked 2 miles, tuesday rode the bike 20 minutes, and today sort of did KS step workout. I had many interruptions today, but I did work up a good sweat so I'm going to count what I did as a workout. It's certainly more than the past several weeks. Don't feel exceptionally energized and my eating and portions still aren't the best, but I'm working on it.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Third start stats

Well, Easter break is almost over and I feel rejuvenated. Today I am starting (again) to exercise every day and better watch what I eat. The good news is that, according to my scales, I weigh 203. I've only gained 3 pounds in the 7 weeks I have not been consistently exercising and bad eating. The weather is warmer, even though it is still raining. Everything looks up.
Weight: 203
Neck: 16
Arm: 13.75
Bust: 45
Gut: 44.5
Hip: 42.25
Calf: 15.5
That's funny. My inches are the same: 249-249=0 but the distribution of those inches are different. Neck=same, Arm=same, Bust=down .25, Waist=same, Gut=same, Hip=up.25, Thigh=same, Calf=up.25, Ankle=down.25 Not major differences, so I am pretty much starting even with where I left off, which is a blessing considering the fast food, doritos, and overall pigging out. So, LET'S GO!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Just a Note

I feel good. Cleaned my house today and that feels Great! Ainsley has had a fever since Wednesday night. Today she was better but the fever came back around 6pm. Worried about her and not getting sleep because I set my alarm so I can check on her. Still eating big portions. Going to try to exercise but not worried about it. My third start will be Monday, after Easter. I even scheduled my massage for Monday at 1pm. I will get healthier!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Feeling better

Easter break starts now. I have 5 days to rest and clean my house. I feel like a weight is lifted off me, I can feel the energy flowing again. I feel like I want to tackle big projects. Going to Scouts tonight and then grocery shopping. no Doritos! Just healthy food choices.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

So much for not binging

Doritos should be outlawed. Why is it that you can't eat just a few? I;ve been good about not eating junk for so long and once I decided to quit the biggest loser, my eating is terrible. Today was Stephanie's b-day party so cake, icecream, sloppy joes, and Doritos. doritos last night. Doritos tonight. Feel like I'm being sucked into a downward spiral and am powerless to do anything. So tired. I want time to be home, to clean my home, and do nothing in my home. No more have to do this, have to do that. Somehow I must find my strength of will power, and start exercising and taking care of myself again. I know I felt great when I was exercising and I was looking good in my clothes. I can do this, Bye, Bye Doritos!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Just Stalled Out

I do want to lose weight and be healthy. I felt so good when I was exercising most every day. Life just got busy and my family is dealing with a lot right now. One more busy week, with Prom next Saturday. Then 3 days of school and Easter Break. I should concentrate on not binging and maintaining so I'll be ready for my 3rd Start during break.

Friday, April 8, 2011

I just lost a month

I just re-read my blog and realize that this downward spiral started the beginning of March, one month ago. This whole past month has been draining and I feel overwhelmed, like I have no strength left inside me to do anything but go through the motions. I want to lose weight and be healthy. I like the way I was starting to look in clothes. Since quiting the Biggest Loser, I have indulged in Frosty's, french fries, and icecream. I feel like I just need some rest and an open schedule and I can rejuvenate and get my will power back. I won't give up, but I don't have the strength to push on right now.

I Quit

I quit the Biggest Loser at school last week. It had been 4 weeks since I had lost any weight and it would be impossible to lose the amount of weight I need to have a share in the money. so I quit. March has been horrible, I feel constantly rushed and no sleep. The only good thing was the week Coral spent here. I am teaching after school intervention on Tues and Thurs. Fri is Zumba, but I haven't gone for 2 weeks because of my schedule with the kids. I feel like I am on the verge of a meltdown myself because I have been going and going and going. My house is a mess, the only things I keep up with are dishes and laundry. But I really can't stand the clutter (Ainsley's toys, clothes left lying around, and papers). Tomorrow is prom gown shopping so I still won't be home to clean, rest, and relax. One more week of intervention and then Easter break the following week. I can make it one more week.